How Does a Typical Child With AD/HD Present?

AD/HD always presents before 7 years of age (according to the DSM V criteria). Usually children will be restless, up and on the go, unable to sit still, being squirmy on the chair and fidgeting frequently. They may be excitable, impulsive (doing things without thinking of the consequences, such as pushing, cursing, yelling or lying). They will also have a poor attention span and easy distractibility (looking out the window in class, jumping from one toy or occupation to another). Some kids may be so distracted that they will forget what was told to them while on the way to follow orders just given to them. For example, getting something from the refrigerator for mom, forgetting about it and ending up drinking a soda and heading away to do something else. Or trying to dress up and ending up playing with a sock for 10 minutes when the bus is due in 2 minutes. When a child has hyperactive symptoms with associated behavioral difficulties, the referral to get diagnosed is faster and the diagnosis is relatively easy. This scenario will more commonly occur in boys.